“This technology is helping shave minutes off the response time of volunteers,” “In firefighting, time saved is lives saved, property saved, and money saved. If we can get to a fire a minute faster, that much less damage has occurred." "The technology helps volunteer fire departments make great strides in their response times." Chief Daniel R. Small
Cumberland Fire Department
"The ‘catch-up’ feature that lets us listen to recorded radio traffic is awesome. In the past, it could take quite a while to figure out what the incident was about, who was assigned, what they were going to do, and so on. Now I can figure this out in a matter of minutes, and make decisions that will help.” Deputy Chief Daryl Rawnsley
Bring Your Call Responders Back When You Need Them
These are Actual Calls
The calls listed below were taken directly from the Second Signal system. They will sound exactly the same as if a department member had called in and listened to the call as it was happening.
6 July 2008 - Tanker Truck Explosion & Fire - Golden Valley, ArizonaVisible smoke on the skyline alarts GVFD firefighters to a big incident. One semi-truck rear ended another carrying gasoline and the explosion and fire closed SR 68 for around 8 hours. Listen as decisions are made to bring in other departments, a helicopter, and haz-mat crews.
5 DEC 2006 -- 2 Alarm Structure Fire - Cumberland, Maine
It was 15 degrees out, there was no municipal water supply, and a 3 story barn and wood working shop also containing two full heating oil tanks was fully involved when the first units arrived on scene. The structure was only a few feet from the house. A bright light was visible in the sky from miles away, bright enough that you could see the plume of smoke inside it. The first units on scene reported flame 30 feet above the three story building. The home was saved, and the family was able to sleep there that night. There wasn't even a broken window.
12 November 2007 - Golden Valley, ArizonaIf you were at work today at around 11:15 and your department put out a "Volunteer Page" would you go?
Listen to Golden Valley's call and think about how long it takes you to realize how big the incident is. This is just what members there heard when they called in on the telephone. How long does it take you hear enough to know what you need to do?
16 OCT 2006 - Vehicle Roll Over with Lines Down Across Gas Pumps - Cumberland, Maine
Monday the 16th of October, Cumberland Fire Department had an emergency call come in. It was a car accident in which the car had rolled over and crashed through a telephone pole. The pole came down, leaving secondary power lines draped across a gas pump and a patient hanging upside down from a seatbelt in a car. The extrication crew was working under the primary power lines. The power grid had to be dumped.